Weird party and getting mugged.

Date: 10/14/2018

By flyingfish45

I had a dream that I had a secret hideout by Andrews apartment. It started out really cramped but ended up being bigger by the end. Me and everybody in Andrews apartment got invited to watch Hercules at someone else's apartment. We got there and the inside looked a lot more like a house. we went into one of the rooms with beds circled around a large CRT tv. We all got into a bed and watched it as everybody made jokes about it. Eventually some of the beds had girls in them. The movie ended up going for like 9 hours until it was around 5 in the morning. For some reason my mom took us all to the lobby of Andrew's apartment which looked more like a hotel now. I then nervously said that we all weren't allowed to sleep in the same building. This caused my mom to say "Well, you'll have to sleep at yours". I don't know exactly what she meant by that because we then started walking only us away from the town where we noticed 2 guys taking illegal toles as they walked by. They looked like they were from some street gang. Nervously I offered them some Skittles that I was eating. He then looked like he declined, but really mumbled so I don't know what he said. Thinking I was fine now I continued walking. This didn't work though because they started following me yelling out different things I should give them. They almost completely ignored my mom and focused on me yelling at me to give them 48$ or they wouldn't let us through. This angered me as that was a lot of money so I instead offered to them both of the bags of Skittles I had. They didn't take this lightly. One continued to follow us until we had walked into the literal middle of nowhere. We were at the top of a hill on large pile of wood that I had been on earlier in the dream. One of the gangsters was still there bargaining with me where I asked him about his family life. He replied with "You don't know me! My life is hard, I try to beat my brothers so I don't have to let any anger out on my girlfriend because I respect her. " In an effort to say anything that wouldn't make him kill me I said it was very noble of him because of the difficult situation he was in. All of a sudden he was pressing himself against the wood trying to hide himself from something. I then turned and noticed that down the hill there was a car crash with around 5 or 6 police cars around it. As I turned again he said he was leaving so I patted him on the chest and said "You are a good man". He then slank away and I ran to the police to report what had just happened. When I got there I could only find the paramedics. My mom then came running to catch up with me and both her legs cramped and she fell on the asphalt. The paramedics stretched her legs for her and she got back up. A policeman then came over and I reported the crime. I then left and came back to the wood pile where I crawled into it and made a hideout. Even though there should have been some light in it, it was almost completely dark in it. I opened my back pack and pulled out a frying pan. It was one cobbled together out of a cement pan section and a wooden handle that was fastined to the cement with metal wire. It made me think about how I needed to eventually buy an actual frying pan. After this I crawled out where in front of the pile was a house with two boys playing in the distance As they approached I realised it was the guy who mugged me and his brother. He threw me a BB gun that looked like and SMG and said catch. He over estimated and it went like 50 feet past me. To keep up with it I ran and scrambled to get it. The familiar gang member held is brother by the arms and said "do it" . His brother looked like a scrawnier version of a kid I know named Sam, but this kid had two holes at the base of his neck that were plugged with two rubber stops. I aimed the BB gun at him and shot. all of a sudden both stops disappeared and his brother said "Oh, haha you knocked out my air tubes." He then plugged an air tube into one of the holes and one suddenly appeared plugged into the other one. The BB had gotten lodged in the air tune in a way so that every time he breathed in the BB would group to the air tube and stop at the base of his neck. It looked fine for a second, but all of a sudden blood started spraying into the air tube out of his neck. We took him to the hospital where his other brother and the gang member sat around him. The room looked like an old dark attic. The nurse came in and said "Your condition is serious and we usually can't treat people like you, but someone here has the same problem as you so you'll be fine." I then woke up.