Date: 5/29/2017
By pheeniealexandra
So I was a little boy and I was swimming in the arctic next to a big boat with the captain and a man I think was my dad was on the boat. And we could see killer whales come out of nowhere in a pack hunting seals and stuff. So a big ass boat was swimming through the whales and they got mad and made the boat run into this giant iceberg and then they attacked some other boats. So the captain told me to grab onto this yellow net and we got hoisted up to the top of the boat and I realized we were on a GIANT oil tanker and we watched the destruction around us and the captain just kinda laughed and I felt weirdly powerful on the boat. And then the dream changed and we were in Maddie Marconi's dorm room and Ally and nick were trying to tie each other up because I told her I tied Michael up and she was like trying to prove she was as ~kinky~ as we were or something and Mariel was there and I was also helping Mariel tie herself up and use Bobby pins to make her hair like sexy or something and then Nicole Thompson came up and started talking to me and I went "hey Nicole, shut up" and she just kinda walked away. And then I woke up