Date: 7/15/2016
By amazingace
I was working with Jim culley on a deal. When I remembered Fritz got into real estate investing a while back. Fritz had tried to deal without getting all his paperwork in order and got nabbed by the Feds. By nabbed I mean he lost all his licensing and all his money. When I was checking out a house with Jim he got a call for a deal in some shitty area of town and the realtor couldn't sell it cause it was a one bed one bath. I suggested Friyz could have the house since he's now in a bad spot. And we could do a joint venture wholesale deal maybe. Jim said, Great! You can go head and take a look at it. I've got the other agent meeting you there. I said I would go, which I did but never made it to the house cause I lost interest. So on the way back I texted gym and told him I saw it. I then remembered he has his agent there who would obviously tell Jim I did not show up then I was caught in a lie. I also sent him a text message with the word cunt in it which I also got very anxious about. Moral of the story, when working with seasoned investors or people in general, be extremely honest because they will always want to help you. Also texting might not be the best form of communication for the older folk