wild Baja.

Date: 9/29/2016

By iamMartinez!

We're in a family ranch in Baja. I'm going out the back for a hike and my uncle asks why. I say to him I love this land. I love the desert and these plants and all the varieties of rocks found in it but I guess in the end it reminds me of so much. And then I begin to weep and say I miss my grand father. So I continue walking and pick up some multi colored mosaic stones saddened to find that they were artificial. I picked up a few more and when I looked up I saw a rabbit pass me by being chased by some dog. A wild pig was also around so when the dog lost the rabbit he went for the pig. The scared pig almost trampeled over me so when I jumped to avoid it the dog turned his attention to me. I threw one of my stones at it and though it scared him it only angered it more. So kick it to keep it away and jump onto a fallen tree. He jumps after me so I jump back down and break off a piece of a branch. I took a good swing at it sending it off crying. So I carry on twoards the end of the ranch taking the broken branch with me thinking to my self a stick actually makes a good self defense weapon. Outside the gate was a running river and a side road. I noticed a semi truck with 2 flat tires struggling through the rough terrain and wondered if my uncle didn't mind trucks passing through his ranch. Any who, I made my way down to the river. The water was so pristine and I was even tempted to drink it but I remembered it's flowing from the north and up north is Tijuana. I was marveled by the amount of life living in it. All kinds of fish and turtles etc. so I decide I'll head westward and just hop from stone to stone being careful not to fall in. Soon I ran out of stones to jump on and the river band was littered with trash. I though what a shame and tried moving it aside so that I could get through. On the other side of the river I noticed a wedding altar. It was like a country club where some rich folks were getting married. A sense of envy came over me at that point. Then as I looked further I noticed two alligators coming my way so I jumped struggling to get up the river and rushed back up the river bed and onto my uncles property and locked the gate. From there I saw them as they swam past me. They were just huge and fast. Maybe 20 ft long. They even made a horrific noise as they cut through the water. I was more amused than scared. Not far behind I saw a smaller one coming by and that's when I heard people screamget out! There were some people swimming in the water that I hadn't noticed and they were rushing to get out. End of dream.