Sci-fi epic dream

Date: 1/25/2017

By Anaujiram

So recently I've been watching a lot of sci-fi films. I thank myself for this because this was probably one of the best dreams I've had. I wish I could remember more detail/describe it better. So it begins in this strange city. All buildings are gigantic and golden. It really is a sight to behold. The character I am is essentially a future version of me; who I would be if I lived in this city. My companion is this girl who I have never met. True to cyberpunk fashion, we are marginalized citizens, with no individual worth. This is what we felt we ought to stand up against. The city which we live in is run by this golden corporation. It is they who this girl and I wish to defeat. We hatch a plan to sneak into their headquarters and do *something* (We either had no plan at all, or I just can't remember) We are sneaking through the grounds of their HQ building and we almost get into the building itself, when we are caught. The guards take us up to the tip floor of the building, here, the main cheif, the top dog of this golden building, is waiting for us. He seems like a friendly yet very intelligent and logical man. He knows why we are here and why we dislike him and what he is doing. He assures me he will not harm us, but that he wants to show us something. Suddenly, it feels as if I am in space. Unmesurable distance surounds me. Off in the distance, a great object of light swirls awesomely. It is immense, planetary in size. It is made up of two main cores, shaped in a ying-yang fashion. the left core is blue and the right one red. The golden mans voice suddenly speaks, telling me this is what he has been working on. He tells me this will cure our planet of all troubles and despair. I ask what it is. He tells me the blue core represents pure logic. As soon as he says this I understand completely. With this knowledge, the purpose of the blue core becomes self-evident. It *is* pure logic. With this comes an understanding of the logical reasons of why the planet is suffering. I realize the golden corporation is not evil, they are trying to save us. They only appear evil because they must keep the suffering in motion for now, as it is part of the most logical solution. I begin to ask what the red core is, unfortunately this is when I wake up