Date: 9/17/2020
By LaurenTheFierce
So I’m in college and I make some friends. Two of them are a pairing; a girl & guy best friendship. They have four other guy friends. I then have the audacity to tell the two that I’ll now be dating the four boys till one becomes my boyfriend cause one of them is/will be my boyfriend. I was very adamant about this. Next thing I know I’m at the park on my college campus, and I’m filming my two friends run around. Afterwards, I then went to film class and sat down at a table with some other friends. Either sometime during class, or before hand, we had a conversation. Friend A) *randomly says that some big filmmaker made a shit ton of money from this one film they made* Me) “I wish I could make that much money” Friend B) “Fat chance. The people who make that much keep the secrets for how they do it to themselves” Me) “We should work together then. If we stick together we have a better shot of making it” Friend B) “Yeah, let’s share everything; comrade style. Maybe if we get big enough we can force the other big guys to share too” Friend A) *starts playing the Russian anthem on his computer* Both of my friends then salute each other while I begin to laugh. Suddenly, our teacher then stood up and saluted as well. Taking a closer look at him he was Putin at first, and then Stalin. Wifjwofjqofkwkfkqk