Date: 4/28/2022
By clointoronto
Mila and I went on vacation. A whole lot of things happened but I just remember I had to poop really bad and she had to pee so she told me that we could just go to the bathroom and I told her I didn’t think that was a good idea because I was about to poo and then as I pulled the shorts down, I noticed that the floor seemed to be breathing. At first I was a bit concerned and mentioned something to her; she thought I was crazy, but then I realized maybe it was just air that was going through the building. For some reason my shorts were entirely off and I went to sit on the toilet and next thing you know the whole entire building flipped over and Mila was on her head and I am trying to grab for my shorts to put them on. Then I just remember panicking thinking how am I going to get the kids because they decided to stay out in the hallway while we use the bathroom