RobloX ManClide possible dimension Recurring dream??

Date: 5/26/2023

By Anathorx

My dream started in a stadium that was a plane. First it started out lustful. I had a friend and I really wanted his girl I knew I was dreaming. I was sitting by her and we started to cuddle she wanted to get freaky right there I wanted somewhere more private. My friend walks up gets super upset so I pick her up and go to the window the plane had landed but the world has a brownish tint and it was barren. I broke through the wall of the plane and flew out with her. I was in a wasteland of a world weird plants almost like an apocalypse. I have a compass at the top view of me and I can mark a place I want to go. I marked take me to a hotel and a marker appeared I flew there while holder her. The entrance was almost like a mouth. Like the game called Scorn hellish looking game. I enter and there was these weird bugs running around I put her down and I walk around. This bug about as big as a foot latches on to her and started consuming her and growing as it does. I kill it then another again so I was like whatever take her. These worms pop up starting to consume me. They almost look like those big worms from King Kong island that eat those guys. I kill them off and they stop. I get to this desk with a droid he asks if I would like a room 42 credits and he sells other things. I accept and a doorway opens as i begin to walk he yells wait your a human! He has a red out like and a ton of door ways open up and these droids with guns start chasing me down I fly around and I am in this massive place with almost like borderlands the game tall buildings grayish red tint. As I fly around there are guards at every corner. I pick up this female looking person with a bodysuit. Her name is Kai. Which I found out at the end. I fly her to a very high place and of course since my dream started lustful I wanted to try. But then I stopped. It was to hectic. I keep trying to fly away to get away from the guards but it felt as if I was going in a circle. I keep trying to go through these walls but there keeps being a living space and droids there as I do catching me. I finally get to this cliff I fly down and I keep trying to go inside to hide. I get to the bottom and I was in this very small town it was like fallout 4 those messed up little settlements. I put her down and she runs to the edge where there are humans in rags and some armor fighting this giant plant that would keep sprouting heads as you chopped them off. Kai yells you gotta kill the main head. She grabs a knife and starts helping them. She gets thrown aside by the plant monster I run up and start ripping heads off with my bare hands. I finally tear the main head out of the ground. Kai said you have to burn it to kill it. Her and the other villagers began to build a fire they gave her these rags to wear to blend in. She tells them about what happened to us and how we escaped. I’m still holding this main head once I tried to put it down it would begin to root and attack again. They kept struggling to build a fire. I just tried summoning fire out of my right hand but I was so weak it would only be for a second. I tried to light there fire but it wouldn’t stay alive. I was like alright I gotta teleport out of here with this I can’t help anymore. I walked to this wall and started to walk backwards into it and I was shifting but it kept pulling me back in. I saw another bigger stone wall I was like perfect. As I walked to it Kai said Andrew stop don’t leave I forgive you we have to help these people. I said am too weak I will come back I promise as I approach the wall to teleport out the wall became this big screen, like a video game menu “ RobloX ManClide” the letters were a rusty bold copper color and the X was like a bio sign, there was a score and how I did. I looked around and everything was frozen and had a gray color almost like it was all a game and it was paused. Holy shit! I’m gonna try and get back into this world could this be an insane recurring dream?? If I get back in I will continue the story stay tuned!!