Musical Instacart friends

Date: 3/20/2024

By freeselkie

Ben Hockenberry delivered my Instacart groceries in my dream and then we played music at my house. He brought his banjo then he made me perform some weird pop song infused with his banjo and we had a backing track somehow in my living room He made me clap in rhythm to certain parts like it was a weird dance thing so odd, but it was fun very improvised and I think my mom was there it was very chaotic in the house grocery bags everywhere my clothes and things were all over the floor unusual I never do that in my living room. It was nice I guess but uncomfortable as I didn’t want him to see all my underwear and clothes screw about lol I ordered so many groceries like three Instacart orders in a day? Like big grocery orders very strange maybe I was hungry in real life I sensed that really does care about people and me.