Date: 1/18/2018
By xJGBxTipsy
Had a dream that Pro, Eli (my coworkers) and I were out partying all night. After we went over to some dudes house to chill. We all knocked back a couple drinks and then decided to ride out at 5 am. We rode for a while till Pro made us pull over for a piss. that's when we noticed the docks had a horror exhibit for Halloween on an old barge. So of course our drunk selves decided to break in. It was fun for a while until the crew members showed up for the day. We all hid with the quickness. Now fast forward through the work shift till a crew member accidentally knocked over a conex that we were near. A hole blasted open on the side of it and made this really fucking loud and annoying, yet also creepy, wailing noise. It was full of dead children's corpses that were dressed up as clowns. We ran for a bit then looked back to see that the corpses were gone! That's when we saw they had made their way to the exit. Pro immediately sparked a blunt and we watched in horror as they tore apart all of the crew members. One looked like Devin who is an x coworker and Eli shot him in the face, we laughed and laughed till another one had snuck up on us. I gave him the blunt and turns out that the dead child zombie clown ghost muh fucker was actually pretty cool. Then I woke up and ate popcorn chicken. the end