Waking up at 5am is the best thing in existence (+dream)

Date: 7/5/2018

By BeastFromTheEast

If you look at all successful people they all say to wake up at 5 am and it will change your life. Well unintentionally I did that and I can say they are 100% right! I went to sleep at 8:30 last night, and while I admit I woke up for a few mins at 1am the next time I woke up it was just before 5:30 and I instantly felt energized and awake, when it usually takes me hours to get out of bed. I had so much energy the second I got out of bed that u went for a two hour walk, then came back, cleaned the kitchen made breakfast, packed up my computer drove my mom to work, went to the library and studied for my exam I've been procrastinating for 3 months, read 40 pages of my book I haven't touched in 6 months, almost got over my job search anxiety, made a healthy lunch, and now I'm about to go to the gym and then swim laps at the pool!!!! I FEEL FUCKING AMAZING!!!!! I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY I CAN DO ANYTHING.I LOVE LIFE! Please, DO THIS! _____________________________ Dream: I dreamt I dropped my iPhone and there was a tiny hole the size of half my pinkie nail, and there was yellow sparks and yellow light comming out of it and I didn't touch it to not get electrified.