Family Fortunes and Dave prangs my new car

Date: 3/9/2021

By Machman

The first thing I can remember is being in a court room with some guy on trial or presenting to the court. He looks a bit like Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid from the Harry Potter movies) and Shaun Williamson (an English actor who is best known for appearing in Eastenders, a God awful soap opera TV show). He gets into an argument with the judge, I believe, and walks over to a frosted glass door with a dark wooden frame. The door opens and this other guy pokes his head out. The argument gets heated and the Robbie Coltrane guy leaves through another door. I go to follow him as I wanted to ask him something but I can't remember what. The next thing I know I am in some sort of warehouse and there is a gameshow going on, hosted by the Robbie Coltrane guy from the previous part of the dream. I think it is supposed to be Family Fortunes but it seems to be more set up like the Blockbusters (UK kids quiz show in the 80s) Gold Run prize round. The game board is diamond shaped and is filled with oddly shaped coloured segments. My assumption was that, like Blockbusters, the aim of game is to answer a question correctly to light up one of the segments. If you manage to create a line of lighted segments that connects from one side of the board to the opposite side then you win. As the game progresses I become confused and frustrated. The game isn't following the format I was expecting. The questions are very difficult and take a lot of consideration instead of the the easier quickfire questions you would get in a gameshow like Blockbusters. Also, the coloured shapes moved about the board at the request of the contestants and I didn't get that. The 3rd question was odd. I remember the words Kodak, London and 1.NLD. I assumed the 1.NLD was some sort of postal / zip code so the question was something (I think) to do with Kodak's head office in London. I asked the quiz host (who was now female) if that wad the case but I was ignored. The quiz host then left the building and I followed her outside because I wasn't done asking questions about what the fuck was going on. She disappeared into a house that was, I discovered, on the top of a hill. In the monoblocked driveway was a car. My new car (in the dream) it turned out, a big red people carrier thing. Something that I would never consider purchasing in real life. The car then takes off and heads downhill. I start to follow the car but it speeds up and ploughs into another car at the bottom of the hill waiting in a queue at a set of traffic lights. I know it is Dave Clark (a mate / ex work colleague of mine) driving the car. I shout out "Aw for fuck sake Dave, that's my new car, I've only had it a day!" Then people start piling out the cars in front of my car and start running away as explosions caused by the crash start going off. I go to the bottom of the hill and there is a lot of anger dirrlected at Dave. Everyone has black faces from the explosion and look shocked. The driver from the car Dave crashed into was livid. Dave tries to apologise buy the guy hits him hard. Dave tries to retaliate but the other guy hits him hard again. Dave just feels too guilty and doesn't have the fight in him to defend himself properly.