Multi-Dream: Rumbelle Infertility, Disneyland, and Movie Trailers

Date: 1/12/2017

By QueenKarma

The first dream had to do with me seeing a preview of the next season of OUaT. In the preview, Belle was explaining to Rumple that Regina had forced her to drink an infertility potion when she was locked up, so she couldn't have kids. And all I could think was, "Darn. I hope this doesn't ruin my fanfic." The second dream was basically just another version of the same old Disneyland dream I always have. In this version, Loki was either my husband or boyfriend. I don't remember what else happened. My third dream was about me finding some movie trailers on YouTube for a really cool-looking series of for movies called "New Leaf". The first movie trailer had to do with a whole other world that some people somehow ended up in and they needed to get back home but couldn't because there was a shark in the water that killed people. So they had to travel around this land until they could find some people to help them. But this land had its own issues with zombies, and on top of zombies they had Jeff the Killer. This trailer showed both the zombies and Jeff as antagonists. The second trailer had more to do with the zombies. It explained that if you kill one then it will spawn two others and it was basically impossible to kill all of them. Then there was a scene where the Avengers were fighting the zombies and Hawkeyes was completely surrounded. So somebody opened a portal to another world that sucked all the zombies in, but Captain America was standing too close so he got sucked in too. Captain America never came back as far as I know, but I vividly remember seeing Thor fighting alongside the other Avengers. Probably because he was shown the most often. The third trailer showed a bit of Jeff's backstory. Apparently zombies killed his parents, and he was trying to kill people who were bitten so that they wouldn't become zombies. The trailer also showed that there was a group of orphans who were teamed up with a group of zombie kids and they were just trying to help each other survive, and they all lived in an abandoned toy store together. The fourth trailer had to do with the Avengers, some X-Men characters, and some Twilight characters all trying to find somebody to help them defeat the zombies. But the town the went to didn't want to help because Mystique was with them and she's blue which was the same color as the zombies, so they thought she was a zombie. So they had to explain to the town that Mystique wasn't a zombie. Then somebody in the town pointed to Bella and was all like, "But what about her? She's both a human and a vampire!" So Alice stepped forward and explained something about Bella's soul being split in half during her transformation so that was why she was both a human and a vampire. Then there was more of Jeff's backstory. I don't really remember what it was about but I remember that it was really sad and it gave me extreme feels and I was saying, "No! My baby!" Then there was a complete change of story and scene. It was showing some side story about a Vietnamese boy in this world who somehow managed to cross to another island that was also part of the other world. So now he was stuck between this world and the other world. Since he was right at the border of the worlds, he could see his home from the island and how his dad came to the beach to look for him everyday but couldn't see him or hear him no matter how much the boy yelled to his dad. Then one day a cellphone washed up on the shore and it started playing the Mario theme which was apparently the ringtone. So the boy picked it up and said "Hello" in Vietnamese, and the person on the other end answered "Hello" in English. Then the trailer ended. After seeing these I was all like, "OMG! WHEN DO THESE MOVIES COME OUT?" And my sister said, "Not for a few years." And so I said, "Please tell me there's books!" And she was like, "Well, duh." So the dream ended with me saying how much I needed to read the books. Then I woke up and I was so upset because I would never read those books or see those movies.