Date: 5/20/2019
By proxrpg739
I know the dream was longer than this . But I was on my way to work, my shift started early in the morning however I’m pretty sure I remember it starting at 5 pm. I’m on my way to my job and I finally hit the parking lot where my job is. I looked around to see if anybody was there. I remember looking at hot schedules and seeing that Eli, micheal, and Dwight were supposed to work I know there was more people than that but that’s all I can remember. I ask a random black man where he was going. And odd enough all the mediums in the parking lot were gone. The guys response was something along the lines of none of your buissness. At this point Dwight was outside talking to me, so at one point I randomly decide that I was gonna join the man and his friends. This is def not the same people from my last dream. I tell them “I’m coming along with you.” Slightly scared but confidently. We got into a little mini van. Everybody in the car was black again for some reason, I dont remember the driver, a chick was in the front passenger seat, the main guy I talked to was in the driver side passenger seat, I was behind the girl. And there was one more dude right behind me. We take off down 92nd twords where the American warehouse is but the environment was toatally diffrent . It felt like we were going downtown but on the way the scenery felt like I was back home in wyoming. I don’t remember very much of the conversations at all but I do remember them mocking me about stuff at first. And so I turned around and started twisting the arm of the guy behind me. They turned on the radio and the first song that came on was the last song I was listening to on my phone “oh hey!” I said. I started to play it off my phone in sync with the radio. The guy in the back started drumming on my head and body from the back and so with anger I grab his arm again and twisted harder this time. “Knock it off motherfucker.” I commanded. I let go and he left me alone, I look over at the main guy and he just had this blank stare at me but he looked smaller. Not literally but I could feel that none of them wanted to fuck with me again. Before the dream ended off my phone was on the floor still on Spotify and still in sync with the radio make it bundem by skrillex started playing. The rest I can’t remember but I gotta say they must have not have needed me at work haha.