New Scientific discovery

Date: 9/10/2017

By Highlighter111

I went to an science expo thing, and they showed this new type of aircraft that worked by revising gravity and it powered based on human thoughts. However, they still couldn't get it to work. Basically it was a fancy model of an idea. It could even move. This guy on the tour with me invites me and his friends to play hide and seek (idk) So we start playing and when I finish counting, I see this heavy metal door close. So I go inside and there is this huge wheel coming out of the ground. So I keep walking into this entirely glass room with no ceiling. In the center is a huge box with flaps coming out of the two sides at the top. I walk over to the box, and it is at least 5' by 5, by 5'. When I get in, the two guys I was playing are sitting behind a panel of control. Then we fly out over the city. These guys had made the prototype real. I think they thought I was a high profile investor and maybe I was in the dream, but I can still see the city flying past me as I sat in the clear box.