Date: 1/7/2018
By TheNagual
I become lucid at the near beginning of the dream in the old house. As I become lucid facing the front door, the handle was down and open. I said to myself I should open it and see who it is. I did, it was my Mom and she was acting and looking a bit crazy. She scared me a bit but I brought awareness to my lucidity. I went outside and saw my old car, it was in bad shape and needed to be taken in. I tried to make myself grow larger so I could escape, but I couldn’t. I then tried to spin many times and teleport, but I didn’t go anywhere. I was frustrated and soon lost lucidity. I was in my car in a parking lot and there were other people in their cars around me. I got uncomfortable and left and drove around. It was dusk and I got out and walked down a street. There were large house on each side, I then stumbled into a house through some kind of secret entrance. I was suddenly inside the house and inside the fathers bathroom. He walked in but didn’t notice me, he was in a trance like state almost. I tried to find my way back out, but the house had covered up the ways I had came in through. There were many people in the house sitting down at desks and they were all infected by bad spirits. Soon, I was traveling into these spirits realms and slaying them as some kind of giant white knight character with the help of a righteous women. We succeeded greatly and soon I was able to leave to leave the house. As I walk back to my car I saw the moon and stars. There were several moons that kept cycling through, each one turned full. There were also many bright stars through the moons and sky.