chasing planes

Date: 11/11/2016

By clarissajoy

The dream begins with my bf Jack and I heading to the airport to go on vacation. We get there and have to wait before boarding so we eat in the food court at this airport (I have no idea what airport, it's huge and made of all glass) we finish eating and realize we're about to be late to our flight so we start running and somehow I lose Jack. I am with a friend who I don't recognize btw and she has a friend too. Her friend was flirting with jack getting me all pissed off which is why I lose him. Finally we board the plane, Mitch ( Jacks brother) is the pilot, Abby(my sister) is there, Emmie and Chloe (my cousins) too. I'm with my friend but still no sign of jack so I sit next to my friend. He shows up with the other girl just as the pilot announces last call for boarding. Then my friend gets up suddenly to say goodbye to somebody just before it's almost lift off. She bolts out of the plane and goes to say goodbye and I follow her because I'm mad that Jack is sitting in the back with this chick. As we start to head back to the plane it begins moving so we run. I run out of breath so fast and nearly fall down chasing this airplane, eventually we lose it and see this black Audi they offer to give my friend a lift to the airplane and they open the door but I'm so out of breath I can't make it to the car and they leave me. I freak out and look for the next moving plane. I find one And it slows down and lets me get in. The pilot is this old guy and he says to me if it wasn't for those cigarettes you wouldn't have missed your plane." This pisses me off and I immediately so no it's my friends fault. So we are chasing down the other plane on this long wide concrete trail. I keep calling Jack and getting no answer. Finally I call his brother but Mitch says he doesn't want to stop. So I finally give up and sit hopelessly in the back of this second airplane. All of a sudden I turn around to look behind me and there is Jack. I just transported into the plane only no body can see me and they don't know I'm there. I try to ask them why they wouldn't wait for me but no one there even sees me.