Date: 12/21/2019
By TheDude
1.) I dreamt that my friends were getting kidnapped and enslaved. They were being tortured and held captive. I eventually got caught and sent there, and each of us was being held in a cage that was cement and had a single hole in the middle for a toilet. I staged a revolt, and we fought our oppressors, and escaped, with most oppressors dying, and some former slaves dying as well. When we were finally free, I opened up a gift bag, but it was a trick from one of our former oppressors. Two snakes came out and bit me, but were killed by my friends. I died, but died a hero for helping stage the revolt. 2.) I was helping with a snack party for a junior high/high school soccer team, even though I just graduated college. The snacks were tortilla chips with blue, green, and red salsas.