satan out to get me

Date: 8/20/2020

By bluefox247

In this dream I have developed even more unhealthy eating habits. I was listening to music too, and looking around online (remember s&s and how it changed) There is a department store i work at with emily blunt and perhaps another girl. The sides of the store have more items while the center has less. But they have a sign posted there that states "Do not just take the easy way out and rush through this aisle" and in the dream this implied that the extraordinary items were there, you just had to be patient to notice. At one point I was watching what was happening in the office and the boss and an employee (maybe it was me? Pretty sure I was just watching though) knew exactly how to please this boss. The boss was obsessed with Harry Potter therefore would randomly throw things at the employee but the employee knew so somehow set up a way to look like they were using telekinesis or something. Now that I am awake I see this has The Devil Wears Prada vibes which is creepy because the next part is where I actually started to get scared I was driving home from work in my car at night and I was on a gravel road. Suddenly these tall outdoor lights (that also sometimes look like large, tall disposable vapes lmao) are way further over into the road than they should be, as if neighbors put them out like that. So I am swerving to the left every time I see one so I don't hit it. But then I start uncontrollably dozing off and swerving back to the right! My willpower keeps me awake because I say "i can't afford to lose this car I can't get in an accident, i need it for school and work" so I somehow get the willpower to stay awake. I get the feeling I am being targeted by satan, who wants me dead. Later I am visiting my parents at home. I see they have hemp seed hearts in their cabinet so I take them since I know they never use them. I see that my dad has made very strange soups that are prepared on the counter top. There are about 5, and one is purple with a grilled red onion peaking out. I think I try to recreate this because I want to know the exact calories but mine ends up submerging the red onion so that it isn't peaking out anymore. Later I am driving on what I thought was a bridge over the ocean in real life. It was an old and rickety bridge with gaps in the bottom, but the wind would blow so that the gaps would meet sometimes. I was suppose to make it across this bridge but I fell tons of times and the water would over take me and suck me down each time. It was then realized it was a video game. But for some reason I still felt like Satan (or some other evil entity whatevs lol it was a dream ok) was trying to kill me. Near the end I realized there was hope even when struggling in the water but u had to alternate between a and b or something very very fast. I was doing this and then my alarm went off and I woke up. I slept 6 hours tonight and this is all I remember. I was still quite scared when i woke up.