Was in a video game

Date: 4/28/2020

By NathanPrescott

In this dream, I was in a video game. If you do not know league of legends, it’s a video game where two teams fight each other in a battle arena and try to destroy the opponents base. I happen to be in this video game, playing it. My eyes are the screen, moving and playing the game. I don’t use a mouse, nor type on a keyboard. It’s me, controlling every movement and casting my spells in the game. Think of this as a VR experience but in a dream. (Btw, spells are specific skills that each of the champions can do when fighting) The champion I played in the game was a bird-like champion named Rakan. His particular ultimate spell is the ability to hit and charm enemies making them want to flow Rakan while he dances. As the game goes, the game becomes pretty long. As our team fights the opposing team (parenthesis: it’s 5 vs 5 on each team), things would go in slow motion. Fighting would cause everyone to move at half speed or something and all the objects and spells would move slower like time slowing down. And this happens in a lot of fights. One team fight I can picture was at our base. We had to protect our base or else it would be game over. So as I fought with my team, time started to slow down like a slow motion effect cinematic. If I can remember, most of my allies have been taken out, and the map having lots of minions. Minions are AI controlled creatures that fight against the opposing minions. In my base, there were so many enemy minions that clustered. It felt like the game was going to end. Then one spell was casted by an ally that changed everything. The spell I couldn’t remember what it was called nor if the spell really existed in LoL. That spell totally wiped out the entire minion cluster in a matter of seconds. Then another fight I could remember was somewhere in the jungle. The jungle is a part of the map where monster camps are located for players to take out and get experience. So this fight occurred, and I was going to cast my ultimate spell. The spell that would make me dash to enemies and charming them upon running to an enemy. So I cast my ultimate, and then the slow motion effect happened again. I moved slow, so as the enemies. The charming effect caused upon running into the enemies was in slow motion. And then the final thing I could remember was everyone being taken out. I did not know whether I won or not