I Just Need to Say This

Date: 1/7/2017

By your-arms-are-my-chrysalis

I really just feel the constant urge to describe him to somebody; anybody willing to listen really. I need to tell someone about the way his smile lines perfectly frame his soft, beautiful lips. He pulls them back as he cracks a smile and they break open into laughter. People deserve to know about the way he squints his eyes when he laughs. His cloudy grey eyes rain tears of laughter. God his fucking eyes are the product of every sappy song of the radio. The gentle greys embrace a soft blue candy-coated in a sweet green color. It all just blends together the way the earth looks from Venus. People need to hear about the way his chipped tooth is his crown jewel. It's perfect asymmetry. It's such a simple detail yet when he flashes it with his big stupid smile at me it rips a hole in my heart as he passes by. I need to preach about his perfect hair and jawline and little nose and hands and ears and neck and the subtle freckles dusted across his cheek, but I can't. I can't do it because I don't want anyone else to get the ideas stuffed in their heads and fall for him too. I just want to tell him someday. That's all I want. He doesn't have to love me or think the same of me or even acknowledge me. I just want to have the courage to tell him how perfect he is to me. I just needed to tell someone. Maybe he's reading this right now.