Date: 1/10/2019
By destinixxi
I was a part of an organization. At first, we were in a fun house walking in circles. Every time someone was behind me, I would slam the door because it was so funny. We were supposed to meet up at 8am. I was getting up at 6am, but my boyfriend and I started having sex. I said I need to leave at 7:30am. He said it was 7:33am. It was kinda hard to get away from him, but he gave up and said I have a "golden pussy". I get dressed and he gets ready to walk me to class. I walk out of my room and lil chris is cooking and cotea is sitting in the living room asking about my boyfriend and where I was going. My boyfriend runs to go get his car. I'm start walking closer to the street. I see two nice dogs and two mean dogs. The nice ones were sniffing around and the mean ones were attacking some kids doing a college tour. I didn't care about what was happening since I love dogs. Everyone starts yelling at me to go somewhere safe. I try to hide in the bushes but another girl who was scared pulled me back. Finally someone found a Flatbread meatball sub near the bushes and they wanted to give it to the dogs.