
Date: 6/28/2018

By akakaaykay

I was dreaming that I ended work so I was taking train home together with my sisters. During the train ride I remembered that I may have forgotten to turn off my work laptop in office so I told them I will be taking train back to office. Suddenly I realized that this is a dream. I told my sisters in the dream that this is a dream and I showed them how I did a reality check. I showed them that the push fingers through hand method doesn’t work but the hold nose to breathe method does. I bade farewell to them and stepped off the moving train and immediately teleported back to office. There I checked and realized my laptop is not there. Anyway after that I realized that my dream scene is fading so I told myself to FOCUS. I ended up in a huge spacious ware house with large yellow cargoes. I walked and tried to focus energy into one hand in an attempt to blast it out, but failed because I’m slowly gaining consciousness. I said FOCUS again and I managed to retain my lucidity longer. There I saw stacked carton boxes and I tried to move them with my mind. I succeeded. Next I tried lifting up a nearby trolley with my mind. Somehow I only lifted up the top metal layer of the trolley. I laughed and tried lifting up the entire thing again. It worked! Then my lucidity ended.