Worst dream I had ever had (READ ALL)

Date: 10/8/2019

By STballet05

My friend was moving, so we both got each other some gifts to remember each other by. But before I leave. I hugged her and said “I love you.” (Like how you would say I love you to a friend) but as I was heading out she said, “You know how you said you loved me. It doesn’t work that way for me.” And I left being so confused, because she meant she doesn’t love me. Afterwards, I got a text from my friend from a ballet summer intensive. She was texting me clues about how she made a long video about me and exposed me to everybody, which made everybody hate me. In the video, she threw my phone, and house under water. And stated many times that she wanted the both of us to drown. My own parents had even seen the video, and stopped loving me. But I still didn’t understand what I had done so wrong to make everyone hate me. So I texted her asking about it, asking that I didn’t understand, even though I hadn’t finished the video. She said to pay attention to the phone she was holding in the video. And my dream ended. What made this dream so scary, was how realistic it really was. I remember more about this dream than any dream I ever had in the past. I remember the time stamp I was at when I paused the video to text my friend. I remember the exact texts, and clues she had texted me about the video. I remember what gifts my friend got me that was moving away... I remember what my parents said when they told me they don’t love me anymore.