Eating chalk dream

Date: 1/4/2020

By astralArbitrary

Nap dream. This one was weird. In the dream some other stuff happened first but i remember best that I was laying in bed in my room. It was supposed to be my bedroom from my old house since the dream kinda took place there but it really looked more like my current bedroom, so it was kind of a combination of the two. So i was just laying there chilling. I played some llsif on my phone for a little then i was bored so i started munching on chalk. i had a box of sidewalk chalk next to my bed and i just took out a purple and started eating it (I DONT EAT CHALK IN REAL LIFE). my dad comes in vaguely and says he’s heading out and then tells me not to eat too much chalk and then leaves. so i just kinda lay there having my snack and it tastes not exactly like chalk, but what my brain thinks chalk tastes like plus a kinda muted sweet flavor and smell, i guess lavender since the chalk was purple. then i wonder why i’m not supposed to eat chalk and look at the box and it says that that the chalk contains “opioids in great concentration”. Now I pretty much know that opioids are just painkillers but my brain was interpreting it as them slowing down the brain a lot kind of like weed. So i look back at my chalk stub and i’ve eaten like 70% and i start freaking out a little and try to get up off of my bed. I think at this point my brain was trying to wake me up from my nap so i swear to god i start seeing my real life bedroom better in my dream and i can feel drool dripping out of the corner of my mouth since i drool when i sleep sometimes. back in the dream i’m trying to sit up but i experience time in slow motion and i can see myself sitting up multiple times, the action getting repeated a few times before i realize that i never got up and i was still lying down. now i was starting to flip out because i thought i had just taken a lethal dose of drugs and was going to hallucinate and die. i can feel a splitting headache set in here and it almost confirms my fears. i try sitting up again and it does the same slow-mo-repeat-actions thing again but i manage to sit up for real this time. then i wake up for real and i’m laying back where i was drooling and all but awake. it was kind of frightening even though i was literally just tripping out on chalk drugs. lmao.