BioMed, Shower Pranks, and Car Crashes

Date: 7/31/2016

By Nepetas_Legion

I was in my BioMed class and for some reason my French teacher was teaching the class. I noticed she was putting in a pair of contacts which reminded me that I myself have been wanting to try contacts. I pulled some out of thin air and put one in. It felt pretty good, but they disappeared before I could put the other one in. My teacher then passed out a green slip of paper to us on which we had to write a goal for the semester. I chose to improve on my communication cause mine sucks. We also had to watch a video of a few kids jumping on a trampoline and then had to describe what each kid was doing. After that we could go home. When I got home I saw two men who were probably in their early twenties chilling there, but I was cool with it since they were apparently my roommates or something. One of the guys took a shower, and the other guy told me that he covered the floor of his shower in a sheet of ice so it would melt while he showered. It was supposed to be a hilarious prank but now it just sounds stupid. When the other guy got done with his shower, I started getting ready for mine in a different bathroom. There was a suspicious vacuum cleaner sitting outside of the door, and I knew that I was gonna be pranked. I found the guy and was like yo you were gonna scare me in the shower by turning on this vacuum cleaner weren't you? He was like aw you found out and I told him that my brother used to do it to me all the time. After that I left to go shopping with my mom. We went into this one store that was meant for guys but had a little makeup section for girls in the back of the store. It smelled like someone had sprayed an entire can of cologne in there and there was a bunch of guy stuff that I don't really remember. I found this lipstick that was in a chewable pill form; you chewed up the pill and then locked your lips and voilà you're lipstick looks fabulous. Unfortunately it also turned your tongue the same color as your lips since that what you had to use in order to apply the lipstick. My mom said it looked amazing and told me to buy it so I did. Later when I looked in the mirror it looked terrible so I took it off. Then we walked over to someone's house to see all the weird trampoline-related contraptions they had like a levitating bicycle trampoline thing and a bungee trampoline designed specifically for old people. After that my dad picked us up in his car and started driving to a destination that I can't remember. We were crossing a bridge when we started hearing these people yelling a countdown. Suddenly we all remembered that it was New Year's Eve, and when the countdown got to zero my dad decided to celebrate by making the car go super fast. He lost control of the car and we almost fell off the bridge, but we swerved away just in time only to smash straight into a brick wall. Everyone seemed fine except for me and I was launched from the car into a grassy field ahead of us. As I was walking back to the car everything turned blocky and I entered the Minecraft world. I had to avoid a bunch of holes that lead into the void, but I got super dizzy and fell into one anyway and died.