Bathtub Oasis

Date: 8/30/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

This was a mini dream that occurred before the School of Sins dream. I had to take a shower, but for some reason I decided to take a bath. Nothing wrong with that, but I was never one to bathe because 1) the family tub is too freaking small, and I'm already the smallest Asian in the family. 2) I like to get things done and over with, especially since I had things like school, work, and sleep. and 3) Ever since I heard that you're basically sitting in water of your own filth, I just made showering more of my preference. So this whole idea of having a bath threw me off. I was taking a bath when my mom walked in to do something. And again, nothing wrong with that. It was just my mom and bubbles were already rising up to my chin. My family does do that to each other on a daily business. To an extent. It's not like we walk into each other naked or when one takes a shit and think that's normal. Our boundaries don't go that far. Anyway, she walked in, I think putting on lotion or something like that, I wasn't paying much attention to her, until we got to exchanging short banter, which was quite nice. As I was playing with bubbles, I noticed a nearly translucent goldfish was swimming in the tub with me. It was kinda floating, up near the bathtub wall and had water surrounding it. (You know in the very first episode of The Last Airbender when Katara tried to catch that fish with her waterbending? Yeah, it was like that.) Totally excited by that, I showed it to my mom, who was intrigued by it as well. We talked more and laughed at the fish until she had to get up and left me alone to clean up. So I did, with a cute little goldfish floating nearby in its own pool of floating water. Then, there was a point there was more fish, all floating but still swimming in their floating bubbles of water, totally chill by it. Then, there were plants around me, all in pots but some were hanging and others sat in places like on the floor and the sink and on top of the toilet. It was sparkling and beautiful as bubbles of goldfish-filled water floated gently throughout the plant-filled bathroom. It was so relaxing, making me content to the point where I drifted off to sleep in the bathtub, surrounded by chin-high ocean-scented bubbles, floating goldfish, and vibrant potted plants.