Digital art, Generate an image of a person sitting by a fire pit wearing a soft sweater in a backyard with an infinity pool behind them and fire pits on either side.

Wyatts house

Date: 3/24/2018

By patheticp0t

It started off w aly and I hanging out around Beverly Hills and we came across Wyatts house, so we go up and knock on his door and he opens it. (At this point aly and I are freaking out cause we didn’t think he would answer.) He then asks “hey what do you guys need” I jokingly say “we wanted to come in and hang out w you for the day” and aly is whispering in my ear “Mj he’s gonna think we’re crazy” but he just says “alright sounds cool” and let’s us in his h o u S e. So we go in his room and he’s like “what do you guys wanna do?” And aly and I say at the same time “anything you want” and he looked a lil creeped out but it was fine. So then he was like “Mj, lemme try and do your hair Yea?” Obviously I was like “omg yes” so we were doin that and having some bants as he was doing it and after he finished we went in his backyard and holy shit he has a big ass pool like it was one of those infinity pools and he had 2-3 fire pits as well but then he goes “oh yea I forgot I’m throwing a party later you guys should invite some of your friends” so aly and I look at eachother with like this face “:’)” and we’re like “alright sounds good” but in a really sad tone of voice. So we invite some people I invited Andy and Isaiah and aly invited some cute dudes just in case. While we waited for people to start showing up Wyatt invited Jaeden to come a little early to hang out w aly and I. So about 10 minutes later Jaeden shows up and aly loses her shit and starts crying for some reason and Jaeden comes up to me and is like “what did I do?” And I just naturally go “she just really really r e a l l y likes you” he’s just like “ohhhh I mean she’s pretty cute, what’s her name” I just say aly and we have a lil conversation getting to know eachother and then aly comes back out and starts talking to him as well. Later on people start arriving and I’m getting scared cause everyone wants to hang out w Wyatt but I wanted it to be just me ya know, so then Andy and Isaiah show up and I start hanging out w them and aly is just w Jaeden the whole time idek where they went man but then these two girls show up look around make eye contact w me and then see Wyatt and walk over to him so then I go over to Wyatt as well and the girls are super flirty w Wyatt and I’m getting anxious about is so I start to shake a lil bit and Wyatt sees that and is like “oh are you cold, here you can wear my sweater” and he gives me his sweater(it was so soft and smelt amazing) and the other chicks were jealous so they left then I tell Wyatt Ima go chill w my friends. Then around the end of the party Wyatt lights up the fire pits and I go to sit next to him but he sits next to another girl so I ask him if he wanted me to sit next to him or something and he’s like “no it’s ok” so I was kinda bummed and I go by Andy and like I’m tearing up I just got my heart broken and he just hugs me and that made me a lil better but then as I was gonna go give back his sweater I see him walking, w the girl who sat next to him, into his house and I hear “yea you can stay the night it’s fine” and my heart shattered.