Date: 2/9/2020
By pinkstar16121
The date was yesterday's date, February 8th. I checked it on my laptop a few minutes after they were born, but then realized I didn't know what time they were born. My niece was my brother's daughter. His girlfriend who is Filipino and living in Canada for a few years unable to come to America till she gets accepted for a visa, was in America in my kitchen and pregnant. That's where she gave birth. The first time was a false alarm. I didn't see anything happen, but there was this blanket and when I held it, I realized it was empty. It also seemed to be symbolized by this Mac and cheese I was making on the stove, like a one-pot Mac and cheese with water and all except, I went to go pour out the water, not drain it with a strainer, just dump it, leaving the macaroni in there, and I'd already expected that there was no cheese in there. I think everything was supposed to just appear in the water, but there was no macaroni when I dumped out the water similar to how there was no baby in the blanket, but not long after I saw my brother's girlfriend's very pregnant stomach and then, again, I didn't see anything happen and the baby was actually born, almost like her stomach hadn't been protruding before (this was the first time I saw it) and the protrusion meant she was in labor/giving birth and the birth took like two seconds. I held the baby first in a way you'd hold like a several month old baby by the armpits and up in the air. She was so tiny and light. I then had her in the blanket, the top of her head poking out. Everyone wanted to hold her. I told my sister the baby was here and my cousin was there and she held the baby the same way I did. My aunt and uncle were there. I never saw my brother at all or his girlfriend after the birth. I then was looking at my third sister who'd just been born too (I have two sisters). She was evidently my father's. That's when I checked the date and realized they'd both been born on the same day. I also was aware of the fact that my youngest sister irl has a birthday in February, the 24th. I thought that was cool. I was also mind blown that my niece had an aunt the same age as her. It was like they were twins, but from different wombs. Last part I remember: I was in my bathroom looking in my mirror. My mom was there too and she was talking about balance, saying we were going to discuss what the feeling of balance is. I don't even know, but then I was singing for her, a made up song about how I felt about her. Then I woke up with Boyfriend by Ariana Grande in my head.