kinda like bloods vs crips

Date: 12/9/2016

By hotbitch

The world was divided into two classes. The losers wore blue hats and the cool wore red hats. I was a blue hat. One day the red hats decided it would be better to kill all the blue hats and so everything just went into chaos of blue hats getting massacred. I ran and hid in this small cupboard on the top of this extremely high building which was fkn scary like it was two fears in one; confined spaces and heights. So I was in there trying to stay calm because it was better than being slaughtered when a group of red hats my age (16) came in. The told me they were hiding because they didn't want to kill and said they would help me. We took off my blue hat but the problem was it had stained my forehead blue so we just covered it in red lipstick. We then went to the red hat leader and I told him that I had lost my hat in a battle with a blue hat. He gave me a new one and said 'congratulations now you can get revenge on a blue hat for the inconvenience' and gave me a blue hat he had been holding hostage and ordered me to kill. The blue hat turned out to be my little brother so I shot the red hat leader and ran and hid my brother in the cupboard. The plan was he would stay in there while I brought him supplies since I had a red hat.