hydra snake

Date: 12/26/2016

By missingteeth

I opened the box for my tarot deck looking for my selenite (I usually keep it in there) and instead I found a smaller deck next to the main one that had only negative outcomes and weird punpun looking monsters. later I guess I was this lady (I'll often play as different people in my dreams for some reason, a lot of the time I'm a woman) in a hot tub/small square pool that was very deep with steps on each side going further down. it was very well illuminated for how deep it was and had a nice blue and white tile. I was in there with 2-3 friends (also made up people, I don't know them out of the dream). I look down and there's a huge snake with 4-5 heads right below my feet. I can't remember if it was yellow or red but it was somewhere in that color scheme. I of course freaked out and pointed out the snake to my friends who just kinda laughed and told me not to worry about it. I vaguely remember something else about a store and maybe a bathroom but this is all I can get for now.