
Date: 3/19/2022

By arredond

I was play wrestling with some guy and I was shirtless and we were messing around and I was trying to get a good fake punch and I asked about how they even do that and at one point I even did a suplex on him and we were at a park like Northgate and he had his son and dog with him and the kid was complaining how he couldn't hang out enough with him but I said we only did this for an hour and then his dog started having problems like maybe he ate something bad and then puke started landing on the dog's head from above and we thought it was a dog puking but then we both realized that it was coming from above and then some got on my head as well and something seems to be going on with the birds around us so we left the park and from afar we saw that they were spraying it with something that we did not want to breathe in so we ran away and as I was going home people seem to be panicking and they were all close to their houses and planning to quarantined themselves inside and I saw my family and they told me something that happened to one of our relatives and then I started worrying about how something really bad was happening and we were going to have to stay indoors