Horror Olympics

Date: 3/14/2022

By Juliaaramini

The whole dream looked like a 1960’s movie except it wasn’t black and white. I was going to the Olympics. The people competing could transform into animals, and also people of super high status could only compete, so the people attending were mainly wealthy and powerful. I was the daughter of a guy that owned some company, don’t know what. While I was there I met a guy who was very into me. He could transform into a spider. We went on one date and then we ran into my dad, who wouldn’t have approved for some reason, so he transformed into a spider. My dad talked to me about something, and as I was leaving another boy who Ice skated caught my attention. He was pretty cute, and we locked eyes. He waved me over to him, and then he asked if I wanted to go ice skating. I said yes, and we went to the rink. The rink was like comically small considering it was the Olympics. He held my hand and started going super fast, and it felt so freeing to skate that fast. I was yelling and laughing, we were having a good time. This other girl was watching and clearly jealous, she was like those mean girls in movies who are into the jock guy and are shocked when he isn’t into them. Eventually she called him over and I waited back while they talked. Then, I was looking at a nearby tower and I flew up to the window (suddenly I could fly?). I was sitting there and I saw a spider, who ended up being the original boy. We talked and laughed, he bit me as a joke, and then something happened that made me need to hide in the tower. It was super dark and cramped. Then a light came on and I realized it was like that because I was hiding under a chair. My friends were in there, saying it was a study room and asked what I’d been doing. Momentarily forgetting about the spider boy, I told them about ice skating with the other guy. Something else happened, not sure what but I left without the spider guy. Then, I was at the ice rink again and overheard that ice skating guy was trying to seduce me to get information about our company. Heartbroken, I left, and then I woke up.