Project, field trip, and boyfriend

Date: 12/9/2019

By ace200

For one thing, I remember my partner in my theater group project presentation finishing his slide but it was an absolute mess, and I was waking up to him asking me so many questions. I was also going on a type of field trip with my hallmates. We were taking a bus, except there was no top so we were sitting in the open, which was terrifying because we ended up going to a place that looked like California with crazy , tall, slim, twisting highways and a city. I was hanging onto that bus for dear life. We got to a skating rink, but the end of the world was coming or something and all these Disney characters showed up to tell us how to fix it. We had to skate in circles. I was then going out with JD, and it was going really well. I just remember we were sleeping together and I woke up in then morning to find he went to school. I was then taking this short cut into town, but downtown was really dirty and full of prostitution. My roommate was there and made fun of me for not having sex at all with JD, but I told her that’s not what I wanted.