vicious tegu that loved me!! <3

Date: 2/24/2019

By em2002

feb 23 2019: i was at this reptile zoo and there was this big tegu that had a tiny little gecko attached to him at all times and would not let go !! it was kinda cute anyway so the tegu got out and ran away, so i went and chased it for a while and i remember chasing it through a park full of kids and they were all like “the fuck...” but i eventually caught it and it let me! which was a surprise because apparently this tegu was rlly vicious and bitey so i carried him to my car and put him in the little cup holder in the door and apparently he did not like it so when i went to pet him he bit a chunk out of my thumb bdjdjdjska but its okay i forgave him bc he let me carry him out of the car when we got there and i put him safely back in his enclosure :) In another dream me and my family were on a cruise/boat ride or smth and my phone was in my back pocket and i thought it was getting soaked but for some reason i wasn't taking it out of my pocket? and i felt it and it felt soaked but i still didn't take it out until we stopped, and when i did i was like “wait wtf it feels wet but its completely dry” Okay so in anoTHER dream (that i think was connected to the first dream) me & my family were in toronto and for some reason i was driving the car next to my mom and the twins who were walking? and my mom was like “you can tell where were going cant you” and i was like? no? and then she brought me to that reptile zoo again! and i ran into the tegu’s enclosure and the tegu ran tf up to me and gave me a big enormous hug! :) he was so happy to see me uwu