Digital art, The old couple had sinister plans to turn the protagonist and their friend into bird perches, unaware of the danger they were in.

Sketchy old couple tries to turn stepmom and I into bird perches

Date: 2/20/2023

By PandaPuff

I was friends with Taylor swift and Eugenia Cooney and they called me abt something? In a place. Entered a room end thought I saw flying spider so I ran screaming and my dad came in and I told him but it turned into a stick bug and I looked like an idiot. It was like a school but idk. This girl who was apparently 15 but I didn't know until Brittany told me. She was like,"there's no way that 15 year old girl is going to be a CN" We got in the car and we drove to some place? I told her I saw a bird with an Alvin and the chipmunks face and it was creepy. Saw other creepy birds. Brittany stopped and wanted to go in the house and find help?? Help for what?? I was like nah this is sketchy the door is open and there's literally dead and dying birds on the ground. I was walking away and this old man who lived there came on and started yelling at me saying I ruined his bird perches and I was like no I didn't and ran for my life and I ducked behind a car. He was walking around it so I kept going around the car so he wouldn't see me but at some point I just gave up and stood up and attacked him but we somehow got on good terms? Idk if I explained what happened but we came in the house and Brittany was in there with his wife The vibes were sketchy and I knew something was up. We were helping put the perches together? I got some kind of psychic premonition of them killing some kid but he deserved it tbh. They had plans to turn me and Brittany into perches and I was FUCK NAH LETS GET OUT OF HERE At work and Mackenzie was living in a dog kennel? I laughed at her