portals to the deadliest creatures

Date: 5/16/2020

By mgold15

i was in the main office of my middle school and we were trying to guess what the people who walked in were like based on their looks alone and sometimes surveys. for one of them, i was giving this man a survey and he got really angry and released his angry dog on me. i ran into a classroom to escape, but the doorway was a portal. i then landed in deep waters, surrounded by long, dragon like creatures. i was terrified, so i swam up. i made it to the shore, but just barely as there was this weird creature chasing me. it looked like a black stingray but it had two yellow eyes on the top. then an old man came up to me to ask if i was ok. after a few moments of talking, his face dropped and he looked terrified. he asked me if i had come from a portal, or if i had seen the dark water dragons. i said yes, and tears formed in his eyes. he told me that, to get back home, i would have to find more portals until i travelled back to my home. he said to get to the portals i would have to avoid some of the deadliest animals in the world. he gave me a chart of the animals to help me, because many people die from not realizing. the first animal, which was on this land, was the rotten deer. it was covered in huge black spots, gaping bloody holes, and pure white eyes. it could walk on two or four legs and it was very fast. when it bit you, it latched on and released bugs out of the wholes on its body to eat you alive. we were on the shore, and the rest of the land looked like a savannah filled with trees. the shore was fenced off so that it would limit the amount of deer that came near the portal. i ran to the portal as fast as i could, while dodging away from the deer as much as possible, they came close but i got away. i teleported into the air, where i immediately started falling into the ocean. this time, it was freezing cold waters with chunks of ice everywhere. i spotted the shore that had a portal and began swimming. there were eels that were screaming loud noises while i swam and pulling on my body. i made it to the portal safe. this was the last world. it looked like the nether from minecraft. an announcement played as i sat in a closed off brick room, which had some holes exposing the outside. the announcement said that everyone who was on this final world was put into teams. there was the blue team and the red team. the portal was extremely hidden so not many had found it; some people have been stuck here for years. killing the opposing team would leave less people to be looking for the portal, which was good as now there was a limited amount of uses. i was put onto the red team. i saw this girl ella from my school outside, but she was on the blue team and had glowing blue eyes. she looked up and saw me but kept walking because i had just entered. i stayed sitting in the spawn room for a bit, scared and worried i wouldnt find the portal in time or at all.