Dream boy

Date: 1/6/2019

By Rose2019

It starts me off in my house in my room, I’m sitting on by bed looking at my messy room and end up falling asleep and wake up. Everything in my room had been cleaned and moved around and I get up and there’s this note. This goes in for a few nights and starts happening when I’m awake and each time I get a note so I get an idea. I purposefully move something around and run for my mom and come in and she misses it just barely so I plop down on next to my body pillow that’s one of those beaded ones that if you run your hand over them the beads flip over to another color. I look down and the beads start flipping over on their own and my mom screams and I jump up. Then this man appears on my bed around my age and turns out he’s been watching me for a while and was leaving the notes. Me and him start to hit it off and he’s my protector of sorts, come to find out he’s got these powers but he can only leave my house for so long before he starts dieing and so we leave for a party with my bff and her boyfriend just for a few minutes. We find this bedroom and my friend ends up having sex with my ghost guy and I’m stuck standing awkwardly in the bathroom with her boyfriend. After that I get pissed at the ghost and her and he ends up falling for her instead. It got weird real fast😂