The Holiday and the Desert

Date: 3/29/2018

By savamey

I’m at school. It’s Friday, and it’s also some Muslim/Christian holiday that comes before Easter that involves blessed powder and putting it on your face, kind of like Ash Wednesday. I think the world is supposed to end or something because of the feeling of finality I feel. I wait in a line behind the counter to do something with the powder. School ends, and I go outside to wait for my bus. However, the bus schedules are messed up because of the holiday, so I sit around and wait for hours, while eating snacks and reading a book and playing on my phone. Eventually, I ask one of the bus monitors if my bus is ever going to come, and she replies that I’ll probably be the only one on the bus to the depot. The monitor looks like my bus driver. A few minutes later, the bus comes, and other students come out of the building to get onto the bus, including Jade, who doesn’t even ride my bus. It’s late afternoon/early evening. As the bus pulls out of the parking lot, I see a Muslim couple walking down the street in the fading sunlight, looking happy and refreshed. I’m back at school, with some of my friends and classmates, including Aaron (I think), Rice, and Abby. We’re in my high school’s secret tunnels and rooms that I found in another dream several months ago. In one of the rooms, there’s a moving security camera attached to the ceiling. My dog, a Great Pyrenees, is in the room, running around and barking (idk though) at the camera. My classmates are scared to go in, but I say that it must be fine to go in because my dog is in there and nobody’s tried to bust in and take us yet. Rice, Abby, and I now have to travel back in time to 1914 for some reason. We are kind of apprehensive because of the lack of modern technology in that year. We travel back in time, ending up at a modern airport. Rice or Abby wonder if cars have been invented yet so we can travel, and I say yeah but the cars were unsafe and crappy. We somehow get a car, which is a carbon copy of my mom’s car, and a flamboyant fictional lost member of the Beatles, also named Paul, and my mom join us. We’re in a desert, near what looks like an abandoned construction site or ruins. My mom wants to do a trick with the car, driving it off the edge of the pit at the site, and catching it on an iron bar sticking out into the pit, so the car is suspended over the pit. Everyone else thinks this is a bad idea. She does it anyways, and the car falls into the pit. The front right tire lands in a pumpkin pie laying in the bottom of the pit. I’m disappointed because a perfectly good pie was wasted on the car tire. The dream now switches to a scene from a prequel of Despicable Me, about the teenage years of Gru. Apparently, he used to be a pizza delivery guy, and whenever he’d deliver pizza, he’d bring his violin and play and sing a song to the customer that he was there with the pizza. While some customers enjoyed that, others didn’t, and he eventually stopped doing it. It was sad. The dream switches back to the desert in 1914. A villain has kidnapped all the trolls and kids from Homestuck and Hiveswap, and they are now stuck on a wooden raft with the villain, floating down a river. On the cliff above/the iron bar above the construction pit, Equius Zahhak, the only one who has not been kidnapped, is trying to save them, along with some 1920s gangster-ish people. I am just a silent observer. I woke up then.