Author and Prison

Date: 1/7/2017

By icarus

My first dream of the night was me as an Author, I had a great book that just got published and I was super excited. So I showed it to my friend and they read it, they said it wasn't that great and needed some work so I told them, "Oh well, it was only a draft, of course it needs some work." And for some reason my tits were hanging out while I read the book they published and apparently it was really good. The second dream, I was in prison, I don't know why but I was in prison. Me and the friends I made were planning a break out because we knew that we were wrongfully convicted and were innocent. Two of the prison guards knew it too so they helped us escape. When we got to the safe house, it turned out that I had a baby before I went to prison so I was taking care of her. Nearby, there was a reinacance festival happening so we went, I took my baby with me, we were both dressed as elves. But since we were fugitives, we had to keep a low profile. My boyfriend in the dream and I went to one of the shows. During this, there was a flash to the safe house while we were at the festival and this crazy old man kept saying "Yeah, it'll be worth $16." Because of voices in him I presume, he walked up to a closet and opened it, then he was outside, he was confused so he turned back to the house and there was a tall guy wearing a hoodie and jeans, but you couldn't see his face and there were flies buzzing around the hoodie and he killed the old man. (My guess was that the hooded fellow was sent to either kill us or take us back to prison, kinda like Dementors from Harry Potter but not). So, back to me and my boyfriend watching the show, it was basically where people would get on stage and either tell a really scary story or reenact it. So we were watching it having a good time, and the hooded fellow got on stage and was telling a really spooky story. Once he finished, everyone was pretty shaken up and the announcer said, "W-We have a winner! The prize goes to..." The announcer had never gotten a name from the hooded fellow and just said, "The Poisonous Hood!" Everyone half heartedly cheered and the hooded fellow jumped down from the stage directly infront if me and my boyfriend and I woke up.