Bath Tub Butterfly

Date: 7/4/2016

By silencedbysummer

Ah yes yet another dream, this time we were in a giant bath tub and we were going around the perimeter and there were things in jars and we came to this one jar and it had a butterfly in it. We opened it up and it was dead and I got really sad over so then My older sister said why don't you go sink to the bottom since your so sad so I did. I came back up and people were talking about me saying I was the on who put in the jar and hen I was screaming at them saying I wasn't the one who put in the jar because I know it had to have air to breathe. Next I was in a room and I was sitting in a chair and I'm waiting someone come through the door and they say you have something depression so then I break down crying and she hands me some card on the different types.i wake up next and were in a room .then it's snowing and my little sister and some other people are on a bus This is from March I'm also a middle child so that extra explains a lot