mom caught me going to the party

Date: 6/14/2020

By alexwolfycat

I was at james house and his phone was connected to the tv and i saw girls were texting him and saying that he was a rapist or something and that kinda freaked me out because i’m alone in his house with him. then some girl came by and picked up her stuff, then another one, then a guy came by and asked him where he got those shoes and even asked james to put them on and james foot didn’t fit in the shoe and the guy was like give me back my shoes. apparently james stole from a lot of people. scenes changed and i was with sasha and we had our eyes closed laying in a field and everything was extremely trippy. we were going through portals and dimensions and it felt so real except when we opened our eyes we were back on the field next to a church. the church goers were baptist and kept wanting me to go in the pool with them to be baptized (i already am) but i just used some holy water and did the sign of the cross. then i was on top of the church with james and a song came on and everyone was asking us to jump off into the pool but i have a fear of heights so i couldn’t. james fell dramatically on the last beat of the song. it was really funny actually. the crowd was laughing so hard. i just slid down the roof towards the pool. then i was at a party back at james house and there was about 10 people there. i was having a pretty good time but then my mom texts me with my location and asks where i am. then i see her driving towards me on the app. i tell her i’m at a coworkers party and ask everyone to move to the next room except some girl so she can pretend to be my coworker morgan. they were all really helpful. i didn’t get in too much trouble but as i was about to get in my car, rickys family pulls up and i was supposed to go in the car with them? idk but ricky was getting close to me and i leaned my head on his arm because i was so tired and i missed him even tho he cheated on me. we pulled away a couple times and i heard him whisper something about taking things slow