Too real

Date: 8/30/2017

By hellocaity48

Pierre had a mother and a giant swimming pool. We were younger, like 21. We had been dating and in love for as long as I could think of. Then he saved a woman's life. She was just like Marlyn Monroe! He took her to hangout afterwords once alone and I didn't have a problem w it because of the whole saving the life thing. Then I made pasta and we were trying to find kitchen appliances and the place let us bring the pasta to the store to feel like we already had all of the things. He took her there and some other girl who was in love w him (she told me) and I was left watching them eat my pasta with my boyfriend on snap chat. It was horrifying. So when he came back I confronted him and gave him an ultimatum. Either them or me. He chose them. So I packed my things from the mothers house w the pool and thought of somewhere to stay. I found a hotel next door continently. Everyone from work took sides. Some mine others his. I was walking in the rain and wondered into a movie theater and sat down, only to see him there w Marilyn look alike, kissing! I threw whatever was in my hand at them and ran out of the door. I went to the hotel and tried to sign in. But the questioner paper to sign in was so long and personal! "What is your biggest secret" he was there all of a sudden, filling out the paper for me, writing mean things for answers. Calling me names and everything. I started crying and went outside where there were a bunch of people that I knew. One offered to beat him up. I said yes, but he backed down. And I finally went back inside to fill out the paper on my own, biggest secret? I'm still in love w him. I went to his house, he wasn't there. I walked around the giant pool and reminisced on the great times we had in it. He finally showed up and was surprised but happy as well. Then we shared a passionate kiss and I was excited and told him I'm glad he will pick me. Then he stepped back and said no, he won't pick anyone. The Marilyn look alike appears and whispered to me "if you let me have him I will use him. We're going to an island and im moving in." I felt alone and ashamed. and I said something like it's not my choice. He's all yours. And then I woke up.