At This Really Weird Unique Mall

Date: 10/15/2021

By randybobandy

Me and my boyfriend were planning on going to this huge cool mall. It had all kinds of unique places you couldn't find anywhere else. We watched a promotional video together about some of the different places inside, and we got really hyped about it. We were both really excited about this bar there that was "Fire Nation" themed, like from Avatar. There was also a lot of interesting food we wanted to try. When we got there it started out okay, we went to some places, got some food, but eventually we wanted to do different things and we split up. As soon as we split up I found the fire nation bar and I tried texting him to come back because I know he wanted to try it. He now seemed really not into it at all. I was feeling upset by how he was acting. I went into the bar alone, but I started to think I maybe wouldn't like it, I wondered if the drinks would be spicy. When I got in I found that it was mostly just that the drinks were all red. I wanted to try this spiked fruit punch they had, and saw that there was actually a table with a huge bowl of it that you could dip your cup in to fill up. I did this and tried it, it was so delicious. I drank it really fast and got another cup and started drinking it. A woman came up and put a straw directly into the bowl and began drinking from it. I thought that would be easier, skip the middle step, so I did it too. After a while the bowl was almost empty and then I realized it was kind of a bad idea to drink right from the bowl, kinda rude to others. I was still standing at this table, now alone, when another woman comes up to me. She grabbed my ass and kept her hand around my waist and got really close to me, asking if I wanted to go with her. I told her I had a boyfriend and she understood and walked away. I left the bar and then found a food place that me and Joe both really wanted to try, it was linguine dipped in chocolate, and felt sad because we weren't together. I woke up in real life briefly and when I went back to sleep, I was now at the mall with both sides of my family. I was going into an expensive type store because it was my stepmom's favorite. In the past I'd never liked anything in this store, but when I walked in I saw all kinds of cute stuff that I really wanted to try on. I had some money too and intended to buy a few things. It was one of those stores where you worked with an associate who gathered the things you wanted to try and would bring you to a dressing room. I walked around the store and there were just so many cute things and I was excited to try everything on and then I planned on looking at shoes and bags after. I asked the owner for a dressing room for my things. She brought me down some stairs to a whole area full of huge dressing rooms. It was themed like a house. She brought me into one. When we walked in the lights automatically turned on. She hung up the clothes in a closet. She then went over and set up this life-like mannequin of a man standing with an expression like he was mesmerized. He was holding plastic flowers. I guess it was supposed to create a scene like this man is picking you up for a date and sees how good you look in her clothes from her store, and is so blown away. There was even a fake car way back in the room, with two more fake mannequins of men sitting in it, looking right at you with the same expression. There were pizza boxes in the car. It was supposed to be like they were delivering pizza and saw you from the car and were blown away by how good you look. I got what she was going for but thought it was very uncomfortable and it felt sexist because it seemed like the three men were peeping at you while you change. The last thing I noticed was around the corner there was an entire fancy kitchen just unused. I felt angry because the kitchen was so much nicer than my kitchen, and it just sits here unused because she changed the room into a dressing room instead.