Playing a Secret Super Mario Odyssey Level; Using Tengen Condoms with a Cute Japanese Girl; & Perfectly Blended Old Schools: The Arduous Quest to Find an Open Bathroom Stall

Date: 8/22/2018

By fluffytree

The first dream I had I was in an unfamiliar room with some random people playing what looked to be Super Mario Odyssey. There was a kid with us as well and I think my little 6 year old niece too. The kid had been playing this level for awhile and beat it but the rest of us found some secret portal to another world underneath a platform that you could only get to if you could stick to walls or something. Luckily there was an enemy a little further back that was a steel ball with eyes and could become magnetized using the electricity that would spark from its body in defense. I threw Cappy (the ghost-like being/character that inhabits Mario's hat in the game and lets you possess other enemies including human beings too) at it and became that enemy and then rolled on the underside of the metal platform to get to the portal. Once there I was about to head in when the kid who owned the game began having a little fit. He wanted to play since it was his game and he'd never gotten to this section but we told him to wait. Someone said if he kept acting up they'd ban his number from the game which sounds silly now, but made sense in the dream. Then everything transitioned to another dream scene at this point. So now I'm in the same room with some of the same adults but the kids are all gone. Also Roxanne, Brianna from Teen Mom 2's mom, was there and maybe Brianna and her sister were there too, but I somehow got roped into having sex with several girls that were there. Not sure why but it was apart of some compatibility test created by Roxanne and being that I haven't had sex in 5 years, I was very gung-ho. I went to the back bedroom and was with a cute Japanese girl who spoke a little bit of English but not much. When she spoke in Japanese I could see English subtitles in the bottom of my visual field which was odd, but so helpful I didn't question it much. I figured all my years watching subbed anime must've finally paid off. But sometimes the subs would disappear and I wouldn't be able to understand her except the occasional word and body language. Either way she seemed really cool, funny and quirky. She pulled down her pink panties and proceeded to get on top of my erect penis. She was really wet and my tip was just being hugged by her warm vulva before I thought I should really use a condom first since I barely knew this girl and am not trying to catch anything or become a father just yet. So luckily I had a few on me that I proceeded to put on, but then Roxanne comes in to check on us and asked me why don't I use the Tengens she has. I'm guessing that's a brand of condom? The name sounded familiar though so that's what I assumed when irl it's actually an old video game publisher and developer that made NES and Atari games back in the 80s and 90s. So that's why it sounded familiar. I knew none of this during the dream though. Anyway, she left and came back with 3 big tube things that had a metal exterior that you put a stretchy fabric bag of some sort over it to make a 10in somewhat tight tube that I would stick my member into to create this complicated and odd condom. It would fit me fine, but Jesus Christ how would this not make it really uncomfortable for a woman? After all, it's lined in metal very similar to the bottle holders you fasten to a bike. The girl thought it was strange too but said she could give it a try. I tell her if it starts hurting even a little, we'll stop and I'll use the regular latex condoms I was originally about to put on. But right when she was about to put me inside her again, I woke up unfortunately :/ When I went back to sleep I dreamed I was at a familiar school that seemed to be a perfect blend of my elementary school in Maryland and my high school of PWA and it was also completely revamped having been moved into my current work building. My building has 7 floors and the school took over at least 4 of them. I'm not sure what the other 3 were used for but classrooms were on 2 of them while one was for the office administration section and security, and the top floor had a big pool as well with adjoining locker room. I feel like I've been to the pool section before in older dreams but never ventured anywhere else. It was to my understanding that most of this building had been vacant for years and so the school bought it, renovated it, and turned it into a huge K-12 school where one could start kindergarten and stay there all the way until high school graduation. The whole building is occupied irl although there are a couple office sections that have been vacant for some years. The 3rd floor used to be vacant for as long as I've been there (10 years now) until about 5 years ago when Wells Fargo renovated it and moved all its employees from the 6th floor down to it. Anyhow so I'm in this school in the pool area like last time hanging out with my class where I see some familiar faces from my high school like Sheldon B, Courtney, Jermaine, and others, but I also see a couple from my elementary like Marcus and Shevon. They were still at ages 12-14 and getting ready to go swimming and I wanted to join but didn't have my swimming trunks until I looked down and realized I did indeed have them on. But, I was wearing my underwear underneath which meant I needed to get them off. I went to the bathroom and there were a bunch of students sitting in the surrounding bleachers, one girl near the exit shouted my name when she saw me and I looked up to see that it was LeAnna from my high school although she was/is 5 years younger than me but in this dream she looked like her adult self. She had a puzzled look on her face maybe because she'd never seen my shirtless before and asked if I was "dingy" which is another word for stupid. I didnt bother asking why she said this and kept heading towards the bathroom. My swim trunks had the designs of the British flag on it which I guess made people ask why I was wearing them. But then when another student came up and began trying to make my trunks tighter, I realized the front part, which is white, was partially transparent and you could see my penis. So maybe that's why LeAnna was looking at me like that, lol. He really worked on fastening them so it wouldn't show but they were getting waay too tight so I told him it was fine. Besides I needed to get them off anyway. He left and I began my ridiculously hard search for an open stall. There were so many students in here and even a girl. Maybe she was transgender female to male and wanted to start using the men's bathroom? She still looked like a really cute girl though if that was the case. Surely a school like this one would never allow for coed bathrooms. It didn't really matter to me though. The few stalls that were open felt too small to change in and alot of them had what I feel like was pee on the floor and unflushed poop in the toilets. It was so disgusting and I wonder why they weren't cleaner especially with everything being brand new. Lots of kids were just hanging out in the stalls. In fact, some of the dividers were taken down to make one big space for kids to just hang out together and study or do whatever. It was really odd and I'm like, 'so this is a thing now?' It made it that much harder to find an empty stall, but it also explained why there were girls in here cos I saw a few more. Guess they were using this as a lounge area with their friends. But a bathroom of all places and a dirty one at that is what confused me. I finally found an open one, but it was one where the two dividers had been taken down (how did the students do this exactly anyway? You would definitely need special tools) and when I began taking my shorts off some kids came back and so I couldn't anymore. One girl asked what I was doing there (cos how dare I actually try using the bathroom for what it's for) and I just flat out told her I needed to get my underwear off so I could go swimming. She protested which irritated me and made me wanna just get naked in front of them and not care. That would certainly drive them out. But I felt too shy to go through it with and simply left. I felt that whole bathroom was pointless and would never become free so I began wandering to other floors. Also suddenly I'm wearing a white undershirt I wasn't wearing before. One floor down was the administrative offices and I also saw some college age students working in one area on computers. One of them looked familiar. I spotted Mrs. Smith, the head office administrator from my elementary school, but also Mrs. Perry who did the same job except worked at my high school. It really was a perfect blend of my old schools including the employees too. I wanted to use their bathroom to change since surely it had less activity but there were too many teachers and office people around who might ask questions as to why a student was using their bathroom so I kept walking towards the lobby where I saw the security desk manned by two female guards wearing sweater vests that said West- "something" Security. Maybe it was Westivus or something like that. I'd never heard of the company but tend to take notice of security these days since that is my night job. I proceeded beyond that and was gonna take the stairs down to the classroom sections, but ended up randomly waking up without having gotten anything accomplished. I felt like I was in that particular dream for literal hours and it felt like a waste of time even though I was just sleeping. Oh well.