'Time travel', unicorn c*cks and too much pineapple.

Date: 6/28/2019

By nomosia

I don't remember a lot of the dream but at the beginning you could select different buildings on like an app and that would build them in reality like sim city. I had enough 'money' on the app to build a City Tower. For some reason my gran was there and she kept saying 'I've heard of city tower' and I kept saying, "I know gran, it's because you live next door to one." This 'app' was given to random citizens of the place I lived but I dont know why. Then we were running towards this giant neon cinema. I'm about to run past it to go into the next building but then on one of the flashing signs I see captain America's face and i think its interesting, so i go inside the 'cinema'. Instead of a film being inside, I am transported into this orange coloured world with loads of cartoon unicorns and people with unicorn horns. They keep calling the horns 'unicorn cocks' and i try and tell them that no, they're just horns but they just think I'm stupid. I escape by somehow flowing through a grate like liquid and i end up in some kind of well lit basement room. On the walls are huge jungle scenes in a beautiful Chinese style and there is a shed in the corner. There are also several people and I know that one of them thinks she's almost my girlfriend even though I've never said anything about it. I catch myself in the mirror and for some reason I'm a 6ft 4 black man. Everyone is sorting through the boxes and the shed to find clothes and items to time travel with. Me and the 'girlfriend' somehow travel to the orange land again but we live in an edwardian style house and everyone we talk to is edwardian. We're both wearing edwardian clothes. We live a life there and the girl turns to me and she grows a beard right before my eyes and says, "You must have been a good boyfriend because that hasnt happened in a long time", and I feel bad for her because I never liked her romantically in the first place I was just being friendly and I decide to run away. I grab all my stuff and go to the 'garden' which sorta looks like the covering of a trampoline. Some dude who I think was our butler or something comes out and tells me he actually also works for the Time Travel Club and therefore he works for me personally , not just as a butler. I say, "Sure, tell me how to get out of here," and he points at the trampoline garden. I fall through it like a liquid, and once I'm underneath, I realise it's a giant cheese grater filled with cheese. I fall through that before it closes shut on me and I land back in the Time Travel Club basement. I grab a bag and clothes and leave to a different time period. I don't remember what happened in the other time period but I know that I lived a proper, full life but at the end the girl appeared, super angry with me, and ordered me to back to the Club. I said a sad goodbye to the person I was living with and got my stuff. I didn't wanna go with the girl, so I went through the sink grate and got there first. When I got back, no one was talking to me because I had abandoned the girl and I felt bad, so I looked in my wallet to see if I had any souvenirs or something to give her in apology, but my wallet was just filled with pineapple. I checked my other wallet that I had left in the club for safekeeping, but that was also somehow filled with pineapple but the pineapple was mouldy. Then I woke up.