
Date: 5/25/2019

By hitchhiker24601

I was at some sort of magic school that looked like my house but had very different design with big windows in my bedroom and stone walls. There were quite a few people there including my bf. The first “scene” I remember was waking up in bed and receiving oral from my bf. Later on we left my room where I met this girl whom I didn’t recognize but apparently was a close friend to me... I think she called herself Luna. We went to this giant water park like place with a bunch of slides (but no water/pools). At the bottom of each slide were these freaky giant bugs that we had to kill and take a specific piece off of each one and move to the next slide. I finished first (the last one was particularly disturbing cause I had to cut open this giant caterpillar/worm thing then tear out its babies (that were the size of my arm) and kill one. When I completed the task I was told I was destined to complete this series of trials to gain power and that I had no choice for if I refused my bf would be killed and I would be kicked out of the school. I was sent out with Luna to collect things out in the world though there were two dudes from some organization trying to stop us but were easy to avoid by hiding out in a store until they cleared off. After collecting all these little things we headed to the swamp where I had to kill an alligator with my bare hands. It was really intense but somehow I eventually did it. I felt awful about it cause I don’t like killing things but just as I was agonizing over it Luna told me I had to kill her too in order to complete the spell. I refused but she wouldn’t let me and attacked me in order to bait me into fighting back when I got a hold of her wand and stabbed her in the heart without hesitation. It was horrific! I then blacked out and woke up in my room and looked out the window to see wolves and all sorts of different animals eating carcasses left outside. A woman came in and told me to drink a potion made from the ingredients I collected including Luna and the alligator. And that’s when I woke up to thunder outside.