Date: 12/22/2018
By victim#six
It’s hard to remember now where the dream started. It I believe I was hanging out with two guys who I didn’t know, I started noticing weird symbols all over the place that looked like sigils or runes or something. Sometimes they would be appear as graffiti in a park, eventually turning up as 10’ drawing in sand, sometimes written directly onto the sky, but not like when planes sky write. It seemed more permanent. In a park I was noticing a building that had a jungle gym on top of it, above that was another bizarre symbol. Near the jungle gym, atop the building, was what looked like a strange power source that had lots of post-it notes taped to it that appeared to be counting down to what I believed to be the end of the world. I told one of the guys I was with what I was seeing and he explained to me that I was just being paranoid. I tried to concede while one of the two men left. I walked to the parking lot where I saw another one, again, about 10’ across. It was a huge crown adorned with pentagrams. It made me very uncomfortable as it felt to me like imminent doom. Now it was only me and this hippie kid left, I wasn’t feeling safe so I asked him to give me a ride out of there as he was leaving anyways, he agreed. I got in his car and had almost shut the door but realized there was no handle on the inside, this also worried me so I waited until a handle eventually appeared before I shut the door. He started driving down this weird, windy, unpaved road. It looked more like a deer trail than a road, seeing strange sigil like symbols painted all over nature. At some point we had to get out and walk. We passed a dude heading toward us on the trail, he recognized me and called me by name and warned me that I may be about to die, then turned and continued to almost chase us up this wooded hill. Somehow I made it home. It was what looked like a bad version of a trap house. I had about 10 brothers and no parents, basically pure bedlam at this point. (I have no brothers in real life) As I was trying to figure out where to begin to clean this mess one of my “brothers” started lighting and throwing firecrackers at me, indoors. I scurried away and around the corner to find one brother throwing homemade darts at a dartboard as two others fought beside him. Out of frustration I began fighting one of the two fighting brothers while others were lighting toothpicks on fire and trying to shoot it at the kid playing darts. Most often the flaming picks would bounce off him and land in piles of garbage only to extinguish. I ran into the garage to find some sort of solace, it was as filthy as the rest of the house so I went back inside. Everyone asked me what was wrong, I explained to them that my life if seems to be pure discomfort and turmoil. Nothing changed, the room smelled of filth. I went back in the garage as it was the only unoccupied room in the house. I found a big, upright burning pentagram on the far side of the room. But it was the air itself that was burning. I turned to go back in the house but I could see that it wasn’t the same house. It was a beautiful room, what looked like to be a girls bedroom. One of my younger “brothers” was inside and had strange insidious eyes and a very fake blonde wig. He looked into me and said in a voice that wasn’t his, “come here, honey.” It shook me awake and I couldn’t fall asleep for a bit after that.