Volleyball = Depression

Date: 5/29/2018

By DeathOfABachelor

I was playing volleyball, and everyone was a wolf for some reason, and I hated it so I ran away crying and then my stepdad and some 5 year old kid were following me to my house playing “Cold Like Minnesota” and talking about how I probably killed myself. Then they found me and told me I’d be fine when suddenly my mom appeared and told me that we were going to go to the carnival. Then my stepdad said that we would also around the mall to sell extra tickets they got for a cheaper price to make some cash. Soon after I went to see my History teacher who said that she couldn’t talk to me because her grandma was about to jump off a cliff (turns out she was the queen of jumping off cliffs and then not DIEING) her husband was extremely proud saying how he wishes he could jump with her but he’s not strong enough. Then I left and got my arm stuck in a meat grinder.