Detective Dollop

Date: 9/12/2017

By pretzeling

The dream was a 3rd-person, cinematic story following Mr. Dollop, a student at a prestigious detective academy in the 1940s. He was a strait-laced sort of guy and he had to solve a case out in the field for his final test--lest he face expulsion from the academy. He had been assigned a partner, Mr. Willis, to solve the case with... the only problem was that Mr. Willis was a bit of a hot-headed loose canon whose grades were on the edge. The two had to work together and Dollop was sure that Willis would mess everything up. A lot happened, including a shoot-out. I specifically remember Dollop standing at an old fashioned phone booth in a city square, wearing a trench coat and fedora, trying to call Willis. But he was left going "Hello? Hello...?" into the receiver because Willis had been attacked by an octopus in the middle of their conversation. After this, I dreamed that I woke up and started writing down the dream on paper because I didn't want to forget it, including the characters' names. I wrote down a lot of names that I no longer remember, including that of a mentor detective character advising Dollop and Willis on the case.